• Investment Philosophy
  • Investment Process
  • Risk Management Framework

Investment Philosophy

Establishment of the investment management process system
Investment Process by Team Approach
Secure infrastructure for the operational support

Features of Investment Management

01. Establishment of the investment management process system
  • Segmentation of the functional organization/Establishment of individualized R&R and decision making system
  • Process planned committed to Risk Management
  • Establishment of performance evaluation system using measures of performance and performanceanalysis techniques
02. Investment Process by Team Approach
  • Establishment ofMP system for each fund (2 equity funds, 10 bond funds)
  • Decisionmade on MP according to the role assignment of the investment management team and the research team
  • Division of the researchorganization into equity and bond divisions
03. Secure infrastructure for the operational support
  • Establishment of integrated DB on fund information/Capital Market Data/ Firm information Data
  • Establishment of the system for quantitative analysis and valuation
  • Establishment of the system for Investment Strategies /Model Portfolios/measures of performance
Maximize return from the long-term investment management and strengthen the strategic management scheme
Gain an excess return through valuation technique used by our specialized research team to and pursue a stable long-term performance by strengthening strategic management scheme based onvarious sources of information
Role assignments of Research and Investment Management Team. Team Approach
The process of the asset management has its core on Model Portfolio through the collaboration between the investment management team and the research team and the Model Portfolio is practically applied by strengthening human resources in the management or research group and through the innovation of decision making system
Investment based on the Model Portfolio
  • Collaboration between investment management and research team
  • Check & Balance on decision making
01. Aim to gain the stable performance of the management in the long-term
  • Risk Budgeting
  • Long-term Strategy
02. Gain excess return from valuation
  • Fundamental Analysis
  • Focus on Issue/Sector
03. Strategic management according to market outlook
  • Marget Based Approach